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Stormwater Management Posts

Is Your Commercial Property Vulnerable to Flooding?

No structure is immune to flooding, but there are ways to reduce the risk and mitigate the damage. For commercial properties, the stakes are even higher: At least one-quarter of businesses that close their doors after a flood never reopen. Because they are generally larger and costlier to build, commercial properties tend to be disproportionately affected by floods. […]

4 minute read

4 Green Ways to Flood-Proof Your Property

Combined with the extreme rain and storm patterns we’ve seen over recent years, urban development is one of the biggest contributors to today’s heightened risks of flood damage. Development will always continue, and growth is inevitable for any healthy economy. However, the impervious concrete and asphalt layouts of the past are the same solutions that contractors most […]

4 minute read

How to Update Your Stormwater Management Tactics

How to Update Your Stormwater Management Tactics The biggest problem posed by new construction is a little ironic. New developments and urban sprawl continue at a record pace, but the problem isn’t that cities are changing — it’s that they are changing in the same old ways. No matter how innovative our new buildings are, […]

5 minute read

A SMALL ACTION for BIG CHANGE   Every little bit helps.  And you are in control. When you put that plastic jug or shampoo bottle into your green recycling container, that’s the first step to reducing plastic waste in the oceans and landfills.  But your impact doesn’t have to end there. The world needs products […]

1 minute read

The Guide to Permeable Pavers: Everything You Need to Know

Permeable pavers, a key element in sustainable construction, are having a significant impact on landscaping and urban planning. These eco-friendly alternatives to traditional pavement address challenges like stormwater runoff, soil erosion, and pollution. This guide explores the benefits, installation process, types, and applications of permeable pavers. Whether you’re a homeowner revamping your driveway or a […]

18 minute read

Solving Each of the Problems With Traditional Paving Methods

Solving Each of the Problems With Traditional Paving Methods Concrete, asphalt, and gravel are the most common paving materials today. However, their popularity doesn’t negate their shortcomings, and those shortcomings can have a much greater impact than many people might realize. In addition to the excessive costs of building concrete, maintaining asphalt, or dealing with […]

4 minute read

How to Rethink Our Outdated Stormwater Management Solutions

The flooding that hit Houston in August 2017 is a prime example of what used to be a once-in-a-lifetime weather event, causing catastrophic devastation to communities. Yet it had been only two years since Houston’s last major flood.

4 minute read

Harvey and a year of action.

A year ago, on August 25, 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit.  Over a 50,000 square mile area, Harvey dropped upwards of 16.6 trillion gallons of water which could supply the entire US water needs for 280 days and fill Lake Conroe 116 times, according to HCFCD reports. One day rainfall amounts up to 25 inches and […]

2 minute read

3 Ways Your Money Pit Detention Pond can be a Money Maker!

Detention ponds are expensive. They are expensive to build, expensive to maintain and eat valuable real estate. These ponds can be drowning hazards and when not properly maintained, as is more often the case than not, can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes and toxic bacteria. But not having detention is not an option. Not having […]

3 minute read

The 3 Top Ways Construction Can Combat Flood Damage

The 3 Top Ways Construction Can Combat Flood Damage   Natural disasters are inevitable, unpredictable, and devastating, as when a recent downpour in Rainier, Oregon, caused water levels to rise six inches, severely damaging property and affecting the town’s utilities. Weather events like these put life on hold. For the construction industry in particular, flooding washes piles […]

5 minute read