September 2018 - TRUEGRID Pavers
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Inspiring Driveway for New Home

These eco-minded homeowners wanted a beautiful, natural aesthetic  for their driveway to complement their amazing new home in scenic Pennsylvania. They chose TRUEGRID ECO.


Cobblestone pavers briefly transition the driveway from the street for a warm, welcoming touch. Matching cobblestone borders line the gravel filled TRUEGRID driveway as it slopes uphill towards the house.


A light colored hard, angular, clean 5/8” gravel fills the ECO paving. The winding TRUEGRID driveway sits on 6” of clean, washed angular gravel for optimal drainage within the base.


Curb appeal, eco-friendliness and harmony with the natural setting.


Uncover ECO For Instant grass or gravel driveways and pathways

How to Update Your Stormwater Management Tactics The biggest problem posed by new construction is a little ironic. New developments and urban sprawl continue at a record pace, but the problem isn’t that cities are changing — it’s that they are changing in the same old ways.No matter how innovative our new buildings are, we’ll face a mounting danger from flooding unless we change the way we pave our surrounding surfaces.In U.S. cities, 40 percent of surfaces are impervious. Concrete and asphalt typically are the materials of choice. They are slabbed and rolled over the earth, creating an impenetrable, impervious layer. When heavy rain arrives, it has to go somewhere. Impervious surfaces force water to run off in rising levels around our homes and businesses, causing costly damage.
Houston Skyline after Hurricane Harvey
We’ve seen traumatic damage again and again in cities such as Houston, and the rain is not letting up. Since 1991, in fact, heavy rainfall has steadily and increasingly surpassed predictions.It’s time we stopped paving in the same old ways and we changed our mindset about the way we manage flood risks.  How fresh tactics in paving can help our cities
15 Acre – TRUEGRID Permeable Paver parking lot.
Stormwater doesn’t have to disable our communities. Permeable pavement systems allow stormwater to be absorbed, detained, and re-released into the environment in a healthy, controlled way.The beauty of permeable paving is that it imitates the land’s natural hydrology. Before communities were covered in concrete, water quickly absorbed into the ground or naturally redirected. Permeable pavers mimic that organic system. They enable rainfall absorption at more than 800 inches per hour, taking the pressure off manmade structures and evolving to the shifts of the climate — all while performing the same functions as concrete or asphalt.

The technology is pretty simple. Permeable paving systems are structured with open cells that are filled with materials — such as grass or hard angular aggregates — that have high ratios of void space to surface area. As rain falls onto those pavers, the water will drain and absorb into the sub-base below and will infiltrate into the soil if it’s porous. In areas with nonporous soils, the water will be detained and slowly released.The idea of the permeable paving system is to stop or reduce runoff and divert it from valuable structures, property, and human life.4 steps to rethink paving in your neighborhoodPermeable paving systems will save the homes and businesses in your neighborhood from suffering the same fate every time a major storm occurs. With people increasingly being displaced and livelihoods increasingly being ruined by storms, it’s time that we confront the outdated way we develop our communities. Follow these four steps to create safer and more natural stormwater management systems in your area:Step 1: Examine the problem in your area.Excess runoff caused by impermeable surfaces has many costs — and some are not immediately visible. Though flood damage from major storms is immediately visible and obvious, storm repercussions like erosion and runoff pollution also wreak havoc, though in less immediate ways. Take stock of the unique way that runoff effects your community so that you can find the right paving solution and make the most high-impact change.Step 2: Make an economic assessment.Assess how the cost of flooding compares to the cost of transforming your paving system. These are the three metrics to note in order to make an economic assessment:
  • Paving construction costs. How much will it cost to install permeable pavers across the surfaces you’re responsible for?
  • Land utilization. What other adaptations will you need to make in order for the new solution to function? Will you need a separate detention pond, for example, if you chose an impervious surface material?
  • Long-term costs. How much will it cost per year in maintenance and impervious cover tax?
Step 3: Identify your performance requirements.You might live in an urbanized zone with heavy traffic or frequent trade deliveries. Different varieties of permeable pavers will hold up to high traffic, even with commercial construction machines in excess of 130 tons. If your area is relatively residential, other available paving systems will provide the best value for your needs.Step 4: Choose a system that suits you.Armed with the answers from your investigations in the previous steps, you can now decide which paving solution will work best in your community. Compare and contrast the systems available according to your needs and goals. Find out more about TRUEGRID Paver options here. We all have a responsibility to maintain the places we live and work. We might not be able to control the weather, shift tides, or divert storms, but we can adapt the way we develop our precious spaces in order to care for them and protect them into the future. Solving Each of the Problems With Traditional Paving MethodsConcrete, asphalt, and gravel are the most common paving materials today. However, their popularity doesn’t negate their shortcomings, and those shortcomings can have a much greater impact than many people might realize. In addition to the excessive costs of building concrete, maintaining asphalt, or dealing with gravel, these types of paving systems also have devastating effects on stormwater management. As development spreads and more land is paved over, the materials we cover the ground with dramatically impact its ability to absorb rainfall. The second rain hits these impervious materials, it creates runoff, which typically has to be collected in detention ponds before it can be released back into the waterways. The problem is that water picks up everything that the pavement has collected, including motor oils, pollution, and whatever it absorbs from the pavement material itself.As the first truly permeable, high-performance pavement material, TRUEGRID Pavers allow for much more efficient and eco-friendly floodwater control. In addition, they are the better option even where floodwaters aren’t typically a concern because they effectively address many of the other challenges that come with traditional paving methods:• Concrete is too expensiveConcrete is the most common type of paving because it has been around the longest. Yet over the years, it hasn’t become easier or less expensive to use. Installing it is also time- and labor-intensive, which often makes it too cumbersome for anything other than large-scale projects. Concrete will crack as the ground underneath expands or contracts or as moisture freezes or evaporates on its surface from season to season. Because it’s completely impervious, concrete pavement also requires extensive drainage systems and large detention ponds that are even more costly to maintain.• Asphalt is too problematicAsphalt can sometimes be a less costly option than concrete, but it’s also softer and much less durable. Simple exposure to the sun can hasten its erosion, and because asphalt is darker than concrete, it retains heat much longer. In residential areas, asphalt roads and driveways can create heat islands wherein residents have to use more energy to keep their homes cool.Unlike concrete, asphalt is petroleum-based and is often protected with toxic sealants, which means the runoff it creates sends auto pollutants and other harmful substances into detention ponds and waterways. The frequent potholes, cracks, and entirely destroyed sections of asphalt can make it even more expensive than concrete to maintain long-term.• Gravel is too unreliableAlthough gravel isn’t a popular solution for major roadways or highly developed residential areas, it is a common paving solution for industrial yards, thanks to the relative ease of installing it. Despite that ease and the typically minimal upfront costs, keeping it maintained ends up costing more than any other option.Gravel is messy. On top of that, it grows less pervious the more it becomes impacted, exacerbating the runoff problem. Gravel migrates and becomes a headache for city roadways, ruts easily, and turns into mud during rain events. These mud-pit parking lots and roadways are often unusable until they dry. In dry weather, compacted gravel lots create dust clouds, which are health and safety hazards to workers or surrounding communities.TRUEGRID Pavers not only solve many of the problems that conventional paving causes for stormwater management, but also provide added benefits. For commercial, residential, and industrial uses, TRUEGRID’s innovative, permeable pavers are also more affordable, easier to install and maintain, and durable enough for virtually any environment.To learn how TRUEGRID Pavers can make it easier to improve your best practices for stormwater management, click here to download our whitepaper. How to Rethink Our Outdated Stormwater Management SolutionsThe flooding that hit Houston in August 2017 is a prime example of what used to be a once-in-a-lifetime weather event, causing catastrophic devastation to communities. Yet it had been only two years since Houston’s last major flood. Our world has become a concrete jungle. New buildings, roads, and urban developments are being constructed with nonporous materials. Concrete is the main culprit, but others including asphalt and gravel.This “hardscape,” as it’s known, means that when rainwater falls from the sky and hits the impervious paved surface, there’s nowhere for it to go. The result is that homes, public spaces, and businesses might be victims of stormwater that has overwhelmed the city systems designed to manage heavy rain events and keep cities free from flood damage.The Unsustainability of Our Stormwater Management SystemsIt’s clear that cities like Houston can’t go on in this untenable way.With weather largely out of our control — and cities continuing to grow — we rely on stormwater management. The problems are that most stormwater management techniques are limited, cause other undesirable problems, and are not keeping up with expanded urban development and ever more extreme weather patterns. Typical stormwater systems are designed to divert runoff from buildings and into a body of water. This might sound like an ideal solution, but it’s not when you consider the environmental problems that stem from it.This diverted water can be overwhelming if the volume becomes too large, and it can overpower the management system. Then, as the system diverts the water, it also transports pollutants and other stressors like heat. As it flows, it quickens, increasing the risk of erosion. All these problems from a system meant to help.Other purpose-built solutions are failing to cope with the rising water. Detention ponds are designed to capture water as it rushes urban areas, but they are expensive to build and maintain — if they are maintained at all. The ponds take up large swaths of land that could be used for the community. When not maintained, these bodies of sitting water create breeding grounds for mosquitoes and bacteria and can present drowning hazards.Pervious Pavement Provides a SolutionAlthough many conventional solutions are lacking, it is possible to turn our increasingly impervious world into a series of systems and surfaces that make us better able to cope with extreme weather.Permeable pavements can absorb and store excess water instead of creating dangerous runoff (the goal is zero runoff). When stormwater surges, permeable pavements can absorb and detain it immediately, because they are porous and don’t create runoff.They also help solve the source of the problems that overwhelm most traditional stormwater management systems. They restore hydrologic balance, quickly reducing or eliminating dangerous runoff and gradually filtering the precipitation back into the ground and atmosphere.This balance in turn removes the risk of overheating water bodies, lowers pollutant levels, and reduces the need for detention ponds. Rather than shifting massive amounts of water into costly retention and detention ponds and overloaded city storm systems, our own driveways, parking lots, and roadways become our solution. TRUEGRID’s permeable pavers help enable urban development to expand and benefit communities without the terrible cost of flooding. Proven to be 100 percent pervious, with a drainage capability of 800 inches per hour, this pavement system is the best sustainable way to instantly manage stormwater.To learn more about improving your stormwater management through permeable pavers, download this whitepaper.

A year ago, on August 25, 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit. 

Over a 50,000 square mile area, Harvey dropped upwards of 16.6 trillion gallons of water which could supply the entire US water needs for 280 days and fill Lake Conroe 116 times, according to HCFCD reports. One day rainfall amounts up to 25 inches and 4 day amounts up to 47 inches caused widespread devastation that many are still recovering from. Harvey is estimated to be the second costliest storm in American history with an estimated $125 billion in damage.

City planners, engineers, and homeowners are making changes in stormwater management. One part of the solution is the use of TRUEGRID permeable pavers that absorb heavy rains instantly and detain stormwater under the surface.

In the past year over 1 million sf of TRUEGRID has been installed in the Houston area to help mitigate flooding.

From large-scale multi-acre parking lots to school parking lots to restaurant parking to driveways, TRUEGRID is being used to help reduce runoff.

Here are a few photos and an audio testimonial from one business owner describing how permeable paving helped save his new business from flood damage

Listen to the audio testimonial from the business owner of Spring Street Beer and Wine Garden as he describes his experience with TRUEGRID Pavers during Hurricane Harvey.

Permeable Pavers

TRUEGRID permeable pavers not only combat flooding but can also be a great way to save money. Permeable paving is a key tool of Low Impact Development design and is encouraged by cities coast-to-coast.

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