Permeable Pavers vs. Non-Permeable Pavers: What Type Should You Use? - TRUEGRID Pavers

Permeable Pavers vs. Non-Permeable Pavers: What Type Should You Use?

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Pavers are such a convenience, it’s hard to imagine living without them.  Anywhere we want to frequent or travel, pavers make it much easier. Pavers serve a basic yet vital role in helping us get from point A to point B without getting too messy along the way. They provide us with a place to walk, drive, park, and more, and they also look nice as well, adding an element of organization and elegance to any area. 

Pavers have been of great importance to us throughout the years, but as we’ve evolved, so too, have our pavers. No longer limited to basic options like brick, concrete, stone, and wood, we’ve developed new materials for creating pavers. Paving technology has come so far, in fact, that we can even pave entire fields while hardly impeding upon Mother Nature. 

This type of pavement, which differs from impervious paving like concrete and asphalt, is called permeable pavement. Pavers created to be permeable are the solution to the biggest issue caused by impermeable pavement, water displacement. 

In case you were unaware that such pavers existed, here’s a thorough overview of what permeable pavers are, how they differ from traditional pavers, and why you might want to consider using permeable pavers instead of non permeable pavers for your next project.

What’s the Difference Between Permeable Pavers and Non Permeable Pavers?

The difference is that permeable pavers are created with many holes through which water can drain directly through and into the soil below. This is much different than impermeable material, which forces water to flow over and around it, leading to erosion, flooding, and more. 

The other main difference between permeable pavers and non permeable pavers is that permeable pavers are often created with eco-friendly material like recycled plastic. This plastic requires far fewer resources to source, mold, construct, transport, and install. As a result, the environmental impact of permeable pavers is almost nothing compared to that of common paving materials like concrete and asphalt. This is one of the biggest and most impressive improvements we’ve made in paving technology over recent years.

What Makes Permeable Pavers the Better Choice?

You might think that permeable pavers sound like a great alternative in some instances like residential usage, but that they might not be able to handle other types of applications. That is wrong, however. Companies like TRUEGRID and others have created permeable pavers for every situation, residential, commercial, industrial military, and more.

Residential pavers from TRUEGRID make a superior driveway paving material thanks to their cost-effectiveness, flood-prevention capabilities, durability, and versatility. With these pavers, you’re able to create a variety of driveway styles that all perform as well, if not better than your typical concrete or asphalt driveway. They also require much less maintenance and will never develop ruts, cracks, or potholes. 

For commercial usage, permeable pavers also make a fine choice. Unlike with concrete and asphalt, you won’t need to call in a paving team to redo your parking lots every so often. TRUEGRID also has SuperSpot® parking markers available in a variety of colors, allowing you to create lot lines that will never fade or need to be repainted. 

Industrial parking lots can also be created from permeable pavers, especially with products that are up to the task such as TRUEGRID MACK™ pavers. These pavers can be used to build military sites, construction sites, or any other site that calls for the highest amount of durability and strength from it’s paving. 

There is No Reason to Use Impermeable Paving for Any Project

If you’re looking for a way to save time and money without sacrificing even the slightest amount of durability, functionality, style, or versatility, you need to use permeable pavers for your next project. Whether you’re looking to create an industrial-strength parking lot equipped to handle massive trucks and heavy equipment, or you just want a small, one-car driveway, permeable pavers have you covered from all angles. 

You’ll never have to worry about flooding or drainage issues again with permeable pavers. Maintenance requirements will also plummet to an all-time low, which is especially helpful if you’re running a commercial business that gets a lot of traffic. 

Pervious vs Impervious Pavement 3

The aesthetic look of permeable paving in any setting is guaranteed to leave you pleased, with multiple color and style options available to suit any taste. Plus, you can even get tax credits in some areas for installing permeable paving. When you add up all the benefits of using permeable pavers instead of non permeable pavers, it’s hard to see why anyone would continue to use impermeable paving when there’s such a cost-effective and superior option available. 

For all your permeable paver needs contact TRUEGRID to discuss your project.

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