3 Ways to Build a Green Parking Lot - TRUEGRID Pavers

3 Ways to Make Your Parking Lot More Eco-Friendly

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If you own a brick and mortar location where people are expected to visit, you probably have a parking lot. It’s also safe to assume that your parking lot is probably made from either asphalt, non-pervious concrete, or some other non-sustainable parking lot design.

This has been the standard for parking lots for many decades, but these types of parking lots come with their own issues, most of which you could solve by implementing an eco-friendly parking lot design.

In addition to being better for the environment, green parking solutions provide business owners and property managers with a variety of additional benefits.

Green Parking Lot Solutions

In case you’re planning on installing a parking lot or revamping your current one, let’s take a look at three different ways you can make your parking lot more environmentally friendly and how it can benefit you in the long-term.

1. TRUEGRID’s Permeable Paver System

Permeable pavers, in general, are a great way to build a green parking lot, and the system that TRUEGRID offers is superior to anything else found on the market. It’s so good, in fact, that companies like NASCAR, Google, Whole Foods, and the U.S. Military have implemented it for their own parking lots.

What makes TRUEGRID the best when it comes to environmentally friendly parking are three things: 1) the fact that their pavers are made from 100% post-consumer recycled high-density polyethylene, an unbelievably durable material that works in all climates and soils. While large projects are palletized with minimal packaging, even the boxes that their products come in for home projects are made from 100 % recycled material; 2) natural filtration of stormwater which allows for pollutants in to be removed before recharging aquifers; 3) reduced CO2 emissions compared to concrete and asphalt pavement. TRUEGRID is recognized by engineers and architects as the go-to solution for environmentally friendly, permeable parking lots because it is a durable, maintenance-free system suitable for high traffic and heavy loads.

Everything about their supply chain and culture is dedicated to this philosophy. Millions of pounds of post-consumer recycled high-density polyethylene have been kept out of the oceans and landfills by converting disposable products like shampoo bottles and water jugs to long life cycle pavers lasting 60 years or more. Like we said, when it comes to sustainability, TRUEGRID has yet to be matched.

As a result of TRUEGRID’s dedication to building environmentally friendly parking lots, their permeable pavers are about as safe as you can get for the environment. They are completely 100% permeable, meaning they’ll let stormwater, auto spills, and other liquids pass directly through into the ground where they can be filtered by Mother Nature and safely dispersed. The natural bioremediation process of storm water passing through the rock and into the soil provides a natural filter that removes up to 90 % of auto pollutants before recharge of aquifers.

The installation process for this sustainable car park design is also much faster than your average concrete or asphalt installation, requiring far less manpower, hours, equipment, fuel, and resources. And by using TRUEGRID instead of concrete, tons of C02 emissions are avoided (the manufacture of cement generates as much as 7% of the world’s carbon emissions). This is equivalent to planting hundreds of trees with each project.

2. Grass Parking Lots

Grass parking lots on their own are a headache in wet weather. They rut and have mud issues. Stabilizing a grass parking area with a plastic paver system like TRUEGRID allows the grass area to be used for vehicular traffic and parking without rutting or mud as the grass grows through the grid system which provides the reinforcing infrastructure. Parking, fire lanes, and event centers can stay green with grass while providing car access. This makes grass parking another viable option if you’re looking for a sustainable parking design. Unless you’re looking to build a sustainable parking garage complete with a roof, a stabilized all-grass parking lot should work just fine.

These types of green parking lots are cheaper than any other option and work best for low-traffic areas. One example of where a grass parking lot would be ideal is in a sustainable park design.

You can even include lot lines with some plastic systems that have markers or spot markers. Grass parking lots aren’t suitable for moderate or high-traffic areas, however, so you should only implement one if your place of business doesn’t get a whole lot of vehicles coming in and out on a daily basis.

3. Pervious Concrete

Pervious concrete or pervious asphalt are other options if you’re looking to build a parking lot that is pervious, albeit not as green as the gravel or grass filled recycled plastic pavers. The upside to these options versus standard hardscape is improved drainage. There are several downsides, however. These options are much more expensive, are not as strong or durable, and must be maintained by industrial vacuuming every 3 to 6 months to maintain porosity.

Pervious hardscape lots are green as they do provide infiltration when maintained which, like the plastic pavement system, provides natural filtration of stormwater and reduces pollutant filled runoff.

Building a Parking Lot That’s Environmentally Friendly is Good For Everybody

Because of the emphasis on eco-friendly parking and other eco-friendly construction methods, implementing a green parking lot design will not only be better for the environment but could net you some financial incentives as well. At the very least, it will prevent you from accidentally violating new rules or regulations regarding parking lots in your area.

There are a few options on your plate if you want to build a green parking lot, and which one is best for you depends on your needs.

Whether you choose a parking lot built with TRUEGRID, a grass parking lot, or one built with pervious concrete, you’ll be able to rest easier at night knowing that you’re helping lessen the negative impact on our environment while also staying in line with the ever-tightening regulations surrounding new construction of all types.

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