B’s knees and TRUEGRID - TRUEGRID Pavers

B’s knees and TRUEGRID

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[Posted on August 15 2014 by: Barry Stiles]

Any runners out there prefer to run on concrete? Pound the pavement? Well guess what- the pavement pounds back! Just ask the knees, hips or back of any runner or jogger. My joints may not be talking to you, but after a long run they scream at me.

As any runner or walker knows, gravel or grass pathways are easier on the body. Most ultra races, beyond the standard 26.2 mile marathon length, are on these surfaces- not roadways and concrete. Unfortunately, most cities still make their jogging trails and bike trails out of concrete and asphalt. While your heart gets healthier and you lose those unwanted lbs, your knees pay the price. The force on concrete of a single step is 2 to 3times your body weight. Multiply that by 1500 to 1800 steps per mile times the number of miles you’re running. No wonder running on hardtop hurts. Concrete has funded many an orthopedic physician’s Mercedes. And lakehouse. And yacht.

Gravel trails have much more “give” to them. And gravel-filled TRUEGRID trails have more “give” yet. The problem with gravel alone is twofold. First, compaction of the soil / gravel under heavy use causes pooling, rutting, hardened surfaces and runoff. Second, erosion creates uneven surfaces and potholes requiring frequent maintenance and potential injury causing trouble spots.

Forward thinking entities are now using TRUEGRID to solve these issues. Pocono Speedway in Pennsylvania just completed a nearly two mile walking path around the racetrack to handle the tens of thousands of visitors on foot and in golf carts. The TRUEGRID surface saves the walkway from erosion and maintenance as well as providing a beautiful natural landscape to compliment the surrounding park grounds. The walkway is ADA compliant, handles heavy foot traffic and small vehicle traffic and will last for years without issues. The gravel filled TRUEGRID surface maintains it’s ‘give” by the grids cell walls preventing further compaction of the gravel. The result is a comfortable, maintenance-free trail surface. Learn more about our TRUEGRID gravel stabilizer systems.

Another example of a TRUEGRID path application can be found on the ADA-compliant video news clip in the middle of our homepage. The New River Gorge National Park story will bring a smile to your face.

Golf course pathways, park trails, walking trails, sports venues and event venue parking, roadways and trailways are ideal applications of the TRUEGRID system. Happy running!

Barry “B” Stiles

Founder (and runner) – TRUEGRID Pavers

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