Wellington Aero Club Community – TRUEGRID Pavers
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  • WHAT: Airplane taxiways
  • WHERE: Wellington, FL
  • SIZE: 500,000 sq. ft.

The areo club community’s grass taxiways were experiencing too much wear n’tear and hurting the high end look of the community.  Also, the frequent Florida rains would cause the grass taxiways to become unusable when saturated.  Four years earlier the aero club had installed TRUEGRID PRO PLUS around their highest traffic area…the fueling stations.  Due to the success of this project the community looked into installing TRUEGRID PRO PLUS throughout the whole community to eliminate continuous maintenance costs and the inability to use their taxiways after heavy rains and ground saturation.  TRUEGRID’s patented design with bottom flange, industrial load capacity, and integral flex joints allowed the airport to lay their TRUEGRID PRO PLUS on existing subgrade without additional base aggregate…a big cost reducer that other options could not provide.  Once the TRUEGRID PRO PLUS was down on the existing leveled and compacted soil, they simply laid their TRUEGRID PRO PLUS, infilled with soil and laid sod over the infilled TRUEGRID PRO PLUS.  Now they can get in and out with their heaviest jets without worrying about getting stuck and tearing up their attractive grass taxiways.

Project Scope

The Aero Club's grass taxiways were experiencing too much wear n'tear and reducing the high end look of the community.  Also, the frequent Florida rains would cause the grass taxiways to become unusable when saturated.


TRUEGRID PRO PLUS with soil infill and sod.  No additional base aggregate required with the patented design of TRUEGRID.


Due to previous successes within the community, the aero club installed TRUEGRID PRO PLUS for all of their taxiways and perpendiculars that run next to the runway.  TRUEGRID's patented design allowed for no additional base aggregate to fortify and protect the grass taxiways...a huge cost savings to other options! They are now able to take their prop planes and high end jets throughout the properties at all times and in all weather conditions.  The grass taxiways will support them in any conditions.

LEED Credit Opportunities
  • Stormwater Management
  • Recycled Content
  • Innovation & Design
  • Materials & Resources
  • Heat Island Effect - No Roof


CO2 Saved

1,483.33 TONS

Equivalent To

312,281 Trees Planted

Plastic Recycled

660,000 LBS

Equivalent To


Stormwater Detained

972,400 GAL

Equivalent To

24,310 Large Bathtubs