- WHAT: Permeable gravel driveway
- WHERE: Jacksonville, FL
- SIZE: 1,600 sq. ft.
TRUEGRID® ECO™ helps homeowner solve flooding problem with their asphalt driveway. During any significant rain event they would have several inches of standing water that would take several days to drain.

Project Scope
Allow the driveway to be accessible during a rain event and get rid of flooding issues.
A local paving contractor, with no prior TRUEGRID experience, installed the grid in an easy 1,2,3 steps. First, grade down 9” and lay filter fabric. Second, add an 8” gravel base , rolled and leveled with a heavy roller in two 4” lifts. Third, lay the ECO grid and fill with gravel. A final pass with the roller completely levels the gravel filled grid driveway surface. Note that a clean angular gravel was used to ensure permeability and the ability of the driveway to drain and absorb heavy rainfalls.
The TRUEGRID ECO driveway is can now be used during a rainstorm without driving or trudging through ankle-deep water.