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  • WHAT: Event Center Parking
  • WHERE: Dayton, TX
  • SIZE: 15,000 sq. ft.

Honey Bee Ranch Event Center was in dire need of parking with their growing popularity. Not knowing there was a better solution, their first thought was concrete and asphalt. They were not happy, however, about ruining the natural beauty of their ranch with a drab impervious surface. How could Honey Bee Ranch maintain their countryside aesthetic and build a new parking lot that will still be durable and cost effective?

Project Scope

The existing land was graded back 5". A 2"-3" base of crushed concrete was spread and compacted for added sub-grade stability in the event fire truck access was needed during wet conditions. TRUEGRID was installed so that the top of the TRUEGRID pavers were exposed at surface level. (Having the top of the TRUEGRID at surface level increases traction and helps protect the grass for lower maintenance.) The TRUEGRID was then partially filled with a 60/40 mix of clay/sand; St. Augustine sod was finally laid and pressed into the TRUEGRID while maintaing the TRUEGRID surface level. (Filling the TRUEGRID with soil and then seeding is also common if you have the time for the grass to establish.) Honey Bee Ranch's new TRUEGRID parking lot was ready to go immediately once the install was complete and on time for the weekend event.


After some careful research, TRUEGRID was determined to be the right choice. By utilizing TRUEGRID for their parking, and following the grass fill specifications, Honey Bee Ranch was able to "do it themselves". They solved their parking woes with a parking lot that literally disappears within the natural beauty of the space. They were also able to avoid permitting issues that would come with impervious surfaces and eliminate the extra cost of added drainage elements. The grass parking lot's runoff coefficient was the same as the surround meadow land.


Apart from sustaining the integrity of the natural scenery, TRUEGRID was able to save Honey Bee Ranch $6,000 in drainage costs. Square foot savings amounted to $34,000 versus concrete and concrete installation. Total savings costs amounted to $40,000 along with no land lost to impermeable pavement.

LEED Credit Opportunities
  • Stormwater Management
  • Recycled Content
  • Innovation & Design
  • Materials & Resources
  • Heat Island Effect - No Roof


CO2 Saved

44.50 TONS

Equivalent To

9,368 Trees Planted

Plastic Recycled

19,800 LBS

Equivalent To


Stormwater Detained

29,172 GAL

Equivalent To

729 Large Bathtubs